Regrating, Forestalling, Engrossing
Regrating, Forestalling, Engrossing
An exhibition of new work by Andy Parker at the invitation of Bevis Martin & Charlie Youle.
October 3 - November 13, 2013
“All things considered, this is all we know today:
That we can know everything except what interests us”
Vilém Flusser, Post History
Outside the polished world of data lies the rough space of things. We hide it as much as possible, closed behind doors and panels; growth, making, fixing, painting, scribbling, elevation, excavation, construction, shaping, breaking.
The harshness of these spaces acts on this exhibition just as the rough questions about our rough lives.
Andy Parker
La Permanence is the curatorial space of the Artists in Residence project.
This exhibition space does not present the work of residents but allows them to invite artists of their choice.
The “Artists in Residence” project is carried out in partnership with the urban community of Clermont-Ferrand and with the support of the DRAC Auvergne, the Auvergne Region, the general council of Puy de Dôme, the City of Clermont-Ferrand and ESACM
La Permanence
7 rue Abbé Girard
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
Exhibition opening, Regrating, Forestalling, Engrossing - La Permanence, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Installation View; Bacs, cardboard, tape, floor paint 2.1 x 2 x 1.3 m
Nature and Nurture, Black and white laser print on paper, 60 x 84 cm each
Installation View; Bacs, cardboard, tape, paint 2.1 x 2 x 1.3 m, Hand-Knocker, 2013, Digital Print on Photo Paper, 50 x 35 cm
Window 1 and Window 2, Enamel on steel, 56 x 37 cm, hung on decorators’ dust sheets.
Nature and Nurture, Black and white laser print on paper, 60 x 84 cm each
Window 1 and Window 2, Enamel on steel, 56 x 37 cm, hung on decorators’ dust sheets.